Wallpaper "Storskogen" by Karin Moberg. Found it over at Designista, where I also found these pictures.
Meet Sixten! We have been looking for a kitchentable and a coffee-table for ages, I think we just might have found them. There are, actually, some Sixten chairs aswell.
This kitchen by Kvänum is one of my favourites.
And finally, Svenskt Tenn. Elefant Blå by Estrid Ericson.
Time to go, take care. Maybe I´ll see you in Leksand at Väv08?
Köket var ju hur snyggt som helst! Ja, allt var väldigt snyggt. När kan jag flytta in?
SvaraRaderaHa! Vi köpte ett sixten köksbord och sex stycken sixten-stolar i juni!