There is alot of things going on at the moment. Alot of good things and alot of things I can´t tell you about. Yet. Hopefully everything will turn out fine. And when they do, I will tell you.
We have bought a new cardreader, that did not work. But we have now located our old one and one of these days there will be pics.
Anyways: knittingrelated - have you visited the Lindex website lately? They´re writing about knitting -history and the promo says something about a "knitting revolution" - here is a link to the video.
Yesterday I passed by the display window of department store PUB, and this is what I saw:
Yarn, knitting and a wheel. Not bad, not bad at all.
Now, I will go back to drinking tea and knitting. More on Väv 08 later. While I was gone, two beautiful boys were born: Little T and a darling Frog :-). I am so happy for you! <3 Lycka Form: Wonderful blankets!
"Stickat och virkat- vintage på svenska" A new book!
Two new books by author, knitdesigner and LYSowner Nina Sagulin - have a look at
I got this wonderful nomination from Maria over at Skapande, I am very proud and grateful! I want to pass it on to a couple of bloggers that never stop to inspire me: Stickigt, En till stickblogg, Mecozy, Camilla Engman, Emmas designblogg, angry chicken, Happy Silly, Fine little day, Brooklyntweed, Kurbits and - woops, that is more than seven - but I could easily nominate five och six more.
The rules of passing this nomination - if there are any - are as follows:
Vinnare/nominerade kan lägga in loggan på sin blogg!
2. Länka till personen som nominerat dig. /Put up a link to the person from whom you got the nomination
3. Nominera 7 andra bloggar/ Nominate 7 blogs of your choice
4. Länka till de bloggar som du nominerar/ Put up links to your nominees
5. Lämna ett meddelande hos de bloggar som du nominerat/ leave a message to those you have nominated (I might not this last one)
Oh. I forgot. I picked up the latest issue of IK earlier. And, I happened to pass by Knitty the other day - and the fall issue is up.
We still like it in Årsta. Wish we could stay.
Take care!
Back to work
1 vecka sedan
Tackar, tackar! Du måste ju vara en av mina "äldsta" besökare, tror du inte? :) Jag har bläddrat i "Stickat och virkat" boken, den var sååå fin.