After spending a couple of days with family in Gagnef, we are back in Stockholm. I feel cold, tired and kind of down. Maybe a little fever, maybe I just need some more sleep. Little V and B are off to celebrate dearest Ragnhild who had her birthday yesterday. Yay! A shawl, some knitting and tea usually helps but apparently not today. However we had a lovely but far to short stay at B´s father and stepmother. Laughs, nice meals, coffee and some knitting. Little V spent a whole day building a car (from one of B´s old skateboard!), and yesterday we had time to visit B´s oldest sister and her family in their new house outside Leksand. Without a doubt one of the beautiful houses I have ever sat my foot in. Wallpaintings, original dramatic wallpapers, tile stoves and a beautiful garden. I am so happy for them!
I also - of course - really hope that we will have a house of our own some day. Or flat closer to the ground and in a calmer part of town.. After leaving Dalarna and staying a couple of hours at B's granny (we left with two wonderful, traditional rugrags handwoven by realtives and several bags of beautiful fabrics) I frankly did not feel happy at all, waiting for the elevator to take us eight stories up. Bah..
I meant to workout this morning, but since my body hurts I decided I´d just stay inside today. Trying not to get to irritated about not exercising, knitting and working out is - as you know - really addictive..
No pictures of my own today, but some links and pictures by other, talented peolpe. Little V has a beautiful red, carudroy cap which I really need to show you some day soon.
Talented photographer Jon Huck has photographed people and their breakfast. Great project!
Pictures below comes from Vamlingbolaget. A company with an interesting background, which produces great and comfortable clothes on Gotland, Sweden. Patterns, colours, quality - always inspiring.
Love this birdpattern! These are archivephotos from the seventies.
Beautiful prints by Sanna Annuka.
Have a great sunday. I will try to get ready for a fresh week and continue knitting my SunflowerTam by Norah Gaughan. Pattern from "Knitting Nature". Lovely knit!
Take care, and if you need a sunday night snack I keep on recommending vanilla and ginger preserved pears! Easy to make, and if you just happen to have a jar of lingonberry/cinnamon pears waiting in the pantry - I recommend one pear of each, served with whipped cream or vanilla icecrem and some calvados or mulled wine.
I will se what B is making in the kitchen - he just got home and it smells lovely, prepare a small treasurehunt for little V and maybe brows for a nice stay in Helsinki with friends later this autumn..
Hasseludden Yasuragi
Dinner at Wagamama
or at Hablingbo Creperie
and then maybe a week in Berlin and a weekend in Helsinki..
Meanwhile, I will try to get well and then enjoy at Skogsbo. Maybe coffee and hummus at Reggev, workout at Friskis and lunch over at Blå Porten this tuesday after a visit at Liljevalchs and the Märta Måås-Fjetterström exhibition "Märta flyger igen".
Have a great week. Wear socks and gloves, drink tea and do take time to enjoy this crisp fall-air and all the lovely colours.
Recycle Design-bloggen A really interesting one year cutting edge education at Eskilstuna Folkhögskola and their blog! Visit the blog and the class aswell. I was there a couple of weeks ago and taught a two day class on social medias and creative blogging.
Kiddet Always inspiring!
Tivoli Makes all three of us laugh - Subscribe!
Back to work
1 vecka sedan
finns två rum & kök i en vacker prästgårdslänga ute hos oss att hyra billigt, om man längtar efter lite jordnära fritidsboende tills det egna huset kommer :-)