Hi there. This is a message from Erika. She is sleeping, this is her hand typing.
She started her degree project (is that the correct word for it?) yesterday. Today she spent about six hours looking at mittens. That´s luxury for you! And she listened to a song about a hundred times, maybe the Best Song Ever.
It´s from the soundtrack of Once that I - well Erika - mentioned the other day and it is called "Falling Slowly". Another recommendation from the Wynjacraft recorddepartment is of course the collaboration album "Raising Sand" by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant. Every track is a masterpiece!
If in Stockholm:
Undersöka form, Etnografiska museet, 125 kvadrat, Mikaela Willers and Blå porten
4 dagar sedan
Hello, the hand of sleeping Erika! This is the brain of the pregnant Tove.
SvaraRaderaPlease tell your mistress that she is more than welcome to investigate Tove's Finnish mitten department, albeit it is so tiny as to being almost extinct. Bring 'filmjölk' as payment.