We are soon off to Leksand in the summer heat. A couple of things slipped my mind yesterday.
First some good advice. Never ever leave home without handcards and at least ONE spindle.
At least if you are me. I had some (stupid) idea that I would engage totally into a selection of UnFinishedObjects. Bah - humbug.
Apparently it did not occur to me that a) I would pass by several shops where one can obtain spinning fibers b) That fiberarts - knitting, stitching, spinning - whatever- are my tools of survival. This means that I can´t ask of myself to choose projects several DAYS ahead. Not when we are on holiday.
Yesterday I tried to make a spindle using a far to thin stick, a rubber and a compact disc. How very McGyver of me. Needless to say it did not work.
But, What about the UFOs then? I really really need to finish up som projects. Partly because some of them are gifts, some of them have been laying around for far to long and I really want to wear/use them. And partly because it is a such a nice feeling to finish projects, to follow the thought from start to finish.
So. I really really need a pair of handcards and a spindle. And I need to finish up some things. And I secretly dream about casting on to knit a lace scarf, or a top-down raglan for Björn. Or the February Lady Sweater.
How do you reason with yourself? When it is time for summervacation - do you begin new projects, especially chosen for vacation, do you finish up old ones or do you bring tools to start what ever comes across your thoughts or feet?
Time to go. Me, V, B and my special UFO.
Back to work
1 vecka sedan
SvaraRaderaSka jag skicka slända och kardor?
Själv envisar jag mig och bråkar (nästan fightar!) med min virknål. Förhoppningsvis blir det snart 10:e (eller 20:e till och med) gången gillt...
jag brukar bestämma semesterprojekt på samma sätt som alla andra projekt - vad jag har tid och lust med:) det är nog grundkriteriet:)
SvaraRaderadet skall bli väldigt roligt att se vad andra skriver oxå
I tend to bring new fresh projects when I spend holiday away from home. I think I reason such that I might not be inspired even on a holiday to finish what I didn't finish on a long time.
SvaraRaderaWish you a lot of enjoyment on your vacation!
Hej! Har du kvar några Grimslättskit? Har nämligen sett att fåren vi solar och badar med i Bohuslän är från Grimslättsgård. Så det vore lite kul!
mia snabela mia-edvardson punkt se
Nåra gamla, några nya + verktyg beredd på allt...
SvaraRadera/en som alltid bär tugnt;-)
Är du i Leksand snart, så varför inte titta upp till Sätergläntan där jag dväljs 7 - 11/7. Kurs med B-M Christoffersson. Ja, jag vet att jag har gått den minst två ggr förut, men jag lider av s.k. långsam inlärning, du vet.