As if one of my UFOs had overheard my reasoning earlier the Rosewood circular needle snapped while knitting on our way to Leksand. What to do? Luckily Leksands hemslöjd had plenty to offer; including 3 mm circular needles. I also happen to find some broad-cloth, buttons and traditional bands. They, along with some linen embroidery yarn, followed me home.
I have been knitting at this very UFO all night - just saying. I think the reason to why I brought them is that I sometimes find it easier to finish up projects when changing mileu. You seem to have kind of the same strategy as I - almost anyway. I also tend to carry rather heavy bags since I do not want to want for that very project I left behind.. Luxury problems, I know - but considering everything that has happened this past year I like to ponder over these aswell as the more acute ones. This upcoming monday it is exactly one year since I started my radiationtreatment.
Time certainly does fly. I am very very lucky.
While in Leksand today I visited the "Krona och Krans- smycka till fest och bröllop " exhibition at Kulturhuset. The title of the exhibition translates into something like "Crown (refering to the traditional use of Bridal Crowns) and Garland - decorate for fiest and wedding" and it is about weddingtraditions; above all swedish but also with a slightly more international aspects. It is a very inspirational exhibition, take a look here to see where you can see it. "Krona och Krans" wants to inspire to formulate personal traditions - and it does.
Here is two quite blurry photos. So that you get a sense of it all. Enjoy, and do visit it if you get the chance.
Tomorrow we are off to Mora.
Back to work
1 vecka sedan
Jag vill också åka till Dalarna!