O dear.
Time flies. We left Bohuslän almost two weeks ago and since then I have been quite sick. After having three attacks it turned out they were attacks of biliary colic and after two hosplital visits I am awaiting surgery to remove a gallstone measuring 3 cm. Well. Should I say I have been laying down for most of the time? The first week we went for all kinds of adventures. I knitted away at my wristwarmers from Bohuslän:

On our way home from Bohuslän we always make a stop at the
Bohus Museum in Uddevalla where some of the classic Bohus-Knittes sweaters are displayed. To my undivided happiness they had some kits for sale in the shop, an since I couldn´t afford a kit for a sweater or cardigan, I settled for a pair of wristwarmers.
The patterns is a favourite - Gröna ängen. One of them, I should say. Follow
this link to see a part of the yoke of a Gröna ängen-cardy.
Design by Anna-Lisa Mannheimer Lunn
As for now, I only yesterday received "
Knitting Ganseys"by Beth Brown Reinsel , which might just be the trick to make me finish (reknit) the Guernsey for Björn I started last summer (I have to change yarn... *grr* the pattern does not show. At all. So I knitted the body and then the yoke twice. And then two times more. Finally i have decided: It Does Not Work..WHY am I this stubborn?).
I am knitting the "Flower Basket" shawl - using Pälsull from Östergötlands ullspinneri. Lovely yarn. This is a pattern I have knitted several times, but in different yarns and this one, I am going to keep. I won´t give it away, mostly because I really like the pattern but am so tired of knitting it. But we will see. Maybe someone claims it in the end?
Looking forward to either continue working some of my wip´s or to .. maybe start a quick fishermanssweater for Valdar. Maybe a Guernsey? I would really love to spin aswell, but for now I do not have the energy.

Time to have a lie down and knit a couple of rows and make plans for the house-to-be.
Take care.