Originally uploaded by Wynja
Well. I admit. I could not resist. This is Valdar trying to convince me he is not up to something.. Well. Go figure.
These arrived today! Two GREAT books on crochet by Maria Gullberg and one by Elizabeth Zimmerman. So, I guess I don't have any excuse for not knitting the Tomten-jacket for Valdar.
As the two previous days, I really enjoy my week at Afroart. I am the MASTER of folding gorgeous quilts from Bangladesh. I want one. I want one in each colour. That makes ... eight.
There was another parcel arriving in the mail today. the Hairy Lady towel by Camilla Engman, Lovely. I will frame it.
TACK Camilla. (Om du av någon anledning skulle se detta :-) )
I also received the wonderful news that me and B are going to a concert next week. It is the wonderful Sofia Karlsson at Rival.
Looking forward to this weekends knitting-related-events: The textilefair - Syfestivalen - and the "Knit Out" at the Museum of Stockholm. And all in one day! This will require a great deal of logistics. The knitting-bag has to include at least one bottle of water, two wips, lunch, camera, sketchbook and well, money - should I find something...
Tjilevippen, as Nils Karlsson Pyssling aka Simon Small says.
Day two of my trainee-week. Today I was at the Nybrogatan-shop in another part of town. A considerably large portion of my day was spent getting to know these GORGEOUS baskets from Ghana. I wish I coould do this every day, my feet are not convinced. They want me to buy better shoes first...
It is friday, and I am tired. Oh so tired. Here's todays inspiration from Flickr.
I am going to have a cup of tea, a blanket and then probably fall asleep on the sofa. Today "Last-minute fabric gifts" arrived. So far, I like it. I am not jumping up and down, as with the other two. Not yet anyway.
Tomorrow we've arranged a wool-day for the Stockholm Handweavers - (Stockholms handvävare) I suppose you could call it a guild, or an association of guilds. Since one year I am part of the committee, and this is the first of two days with a wool-theme we have planned this far. Hopefully I will be able to show you some photos tomorrow. Before I get to fall asleep on the sofa, I should probably pack all my books on wool and fibers for tomorrow.
Have a nice friday!
On the wishlist:
A subscription to one of the best magazines EVER: Selvegde.
Take a look at ! This is one VERY talented woman,
Follow this link to see the original photos and the artists behind them!
Todays inspiration. I am really looking forward to the papercut workshop. I am also getting more and more convinced I not only need to spend some time exploring the art of patchwork, I also really need to make some stamps.. But how?
I am indulging in some new books:"Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted gifts"
by Joelle Hoverson
I really really like this book. It is a beautiful book, lots and lots of inspiring projects, tips and also photos by the super-talented Anna Wiliams. There is several patterns that makes me want to get to sewing right away and I know I will try some of them.
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of another book from the same series: "Last-Minute Fabric Gifts".
"Om Konsten att Trycka tyg"
by Anna Häggblom
This is a swedish book, written in swedish about the art of textile printing.
Yet another modern, graphically winning book which manages to balance the content between inspiring views over classical prints, techniques and artists, such as Viola Gråsten, Marimekko, William Morris, Josef Frank and Astrid Sampe.
I have heard from others, much more experienced people that the author might make the reader think that the process of screen-printing is much easier than it really is. On the other hand, that might de-dramatize it all - and maybe beginners like myself will be less intimidated. But then again: these eager beginners may fail hopelessly, but isn't that always the challenge and the risk of trying and conquer new skills and techniques?
Anyhow, I am planning a tag - or rather a series of them depicting a fox, a terrier and an oakleaf. I really would like to print something on these tags - which will be made from broadcloth. I will put these on the tweedies - should anyone want one. And on the scarfs.
I will try to get some pictures up here - showing you some of my sketches. I could use your opinions.
This was a book I stumbled over this evening, over at author Amy Karols blog angry chicken.. Maybe next month...!
Today we had the great pleasure to meet Egil. He was born on Helloween and since I haven't been well this past months we haven't met until now. He seemed to enjoy his new giraffe aswell! Found the giraffe some time beföre christmas. He has a quite suck-able snout.
Afterwards I went to Katarina to celebrate her birthday. Valentine moved to her place today! He is among friends! Roslagsmuseet has to wait...
I knitted up my second skein of Nature Wool in my Hourglass Sweater. I must say I really enjoy using the Addi lace needles.
Katarina showed me a book by Benjamin Lacombe, and I have to say I am really, really impressed! I hope to find a print or something of his work. Kind of Burton-esque - and that is a good thing.
Just have a look at this!
Tomorrow I will spend some time knitting with Heléne and some painting birds with Valdar. Totaly inspired by the Creative Mom Podcast - Thank you Amy!
OH! I forgot earlier! Yesterday I finally remembered to make sure that I will attend a workshop with artist Agneta Flock at Slöjdhuset on the 15th of March. The focus will be her paper-cuts and we will use all kinds of paper. I am excited! Have always been drawn to the traditional papercuts, and I have seen her work everywhere since I got aware of them so to speak. I am REALLY looking forward to this!
If someone who reads this is interested, there were still 3 spots open when I spoke to the workshopbooking at länshemslöjdskonsulenterna yesterday. You really should call!
Todays creative mosaic, made from some of my favourite photos from flickr. They are all so talented and inspirational!