Från Zickermans värld

onsdag, maj 28, 2008

Time flies!

Wednesday already! I am beginning to resemble the white rabbit of Carroll´s Alice-in-Wonderland. In a couple of days it will all be over, I will have my degree and maybe everything will sink in. I have signed up for a embroideryclass at HV, beginning the week after. I am so looking forward to that!

This past three days we have been crocheting with utterly talented designer and author Maria Gullberg and . since today - spinning with Stina Wåhlmark. I am loving it, off course! It is such a luxury - having a chance to get to know these able and skilled people.
The spinningclass is really what I need at the moment. Down-to-earth, real and something I enjoy and feel comfortable about.

Some days ago I received this award from a new-found friend on the internet - Anna! Thank you very much - I am moved, proud and somewhat smug.

I am forwarding this in a couple of days. In the meantime - visit Anna, and Eleanor - another new acquaintance! And a very interesting one! (Hi Eleanor!)

Friday morning I am leaving for the SHR annual meeting at Sätergläntan - so I will return late this week with some pictures and maybe, maybe some news. Great news.

Last, but not least: a very important message! There are several spots left for the next round of Högre Hemslöjdutbildningen at HV Skola. This is a one of a kind education - leadership within the craft movement. Who knows what it might lead to. APPLY!

torsdag, maj 22, 2008

A short message!

Thank you everyone for kind e-mails and comments! I am happy but exhausted today. The opening of the exhibition went great - and I will have some pictures up in a couple of days. Special thanks to all of you who showed up, for the flowers and the gifts! Heléne, Marika, Satoko and Knit-Marie et al!

Until I have time for a more metaphoric entry please visit them who brought a camera to their visit yesterday! Knit-Marie, ToveB and Katarina .

Now I am off to the dye workshop again!
Take care, and check out HV Skolas new and improved website.

tisdag, maj 20, 2008

Jo. Ett förtydligande

I morgon är det invigning av vår examensutställning! Den pågår mellan kl 15 och 19 på HV Skola, Djurgårdsslätten i Stockholm. Mitt emot Skansens huvudentré! Följande är hämtat från HV Skolas hemsida.

Examensutställning HV skola 21 maj-4 juni 2008

Textil hantverksutbildning och Högre hemslöjdsutbildning
Eleverna visar examens- och gesällarbeten. Med textil, trä och smide som utgångspunkt förenas nyskapande formspråk och hantverk med de nyexaminerades personliga uttryck. Vernissage den 21 maj 15.00-19.00
Öppettider:22 maj t.o.m 4 juni, tisdag–söndag 12.00–16.00
Onsdag 28 maj 12.00-19.00
Måndagar stängt

Välkomna! HV skola ligger mitt emot huvudingången till Skansen. Kommunalt tar du buss 47 eller 44 till Skansen eller Djurgårdsfärjan till Gröna lund. Adressen är Djurgårdsslätten 82-84. Telefon 08-545 686 50

För dig som planerar att komma kan det vara bra att veta att djurgårdsfärjorna är uttagna i strejk och därför inte går i morgon - om inget nytt inträffar under natten vill säga.

This is an invitation and some information on the opening of our examexhibition which starts tomorrow. If you want this information in english, send me a comment! Hopefully I will have some pictures to show you later!

lördag, maj 17, 2008


Välkommen på invigning av examensutställningen!
Onsdagen 21 maj 2008 kl 15.00

Textil hantverksutbildning
Utbildningen är en treårig kvalificerad hantverksutbildning. Den ger kunskaper och färdigheter i att hantverksmässigt och konstnärligt framställa vävda och broderade textilier.

Högre hemslöjdsutbildningen
Utbildningen är en tvåårig ledarutbildning inom hemslöjds- och hantverksområdet.Den ger fördjupande teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper inom ledning och förmedling av den traditionella slöjdens uttryck, teknik och funktion samt fördjupande kunskaper i att bevara och utveckla slöjden utifrån etiska värden, god funktion och kvalitet.

onsdag, maj 14, 2008

Laceknitting swap

I have many WONDERFUL pictures to show you, most of them depicting the result of yesterdays dyeing- adventures. I love it. I really love dyeing, and I think I am getting the hang of it. But for now, you will have to wait. Because the reason why I am making this entry, despite my extreme lack of time these days, is the Lace-knitting-swap- package that arrived yesterday! My secret benefactor was Annicka - TUSEN TACK!

The yarn was blue laceweight wool handdyed by Sanna over at - 1000 m per skein, the chocolate was great and exactly what I needed after spending nine (!) hours in the dye workshop. Scarf Syle has been on my wishlist for some time now, and I can´t wait to cast on some of the projects in there... Anyone up for a summer knit-a-long? Finally - thank you very much for the knitting needles and the card - thank you for a perfect combination of beautiful things!

måndag, maj 12, 2008

Just saying hi

It is actually my birthday today! And it has - this far - been a great one! I brought some of my lemonyraspberry-cupcakes to school and we hade a nice, sunny birthday"fika".
I had the afternoon with Valdar. We stopped by the fish shop om our way home and bought some smoked shrimps and saffron aioli. This was Valdars suggestion. At the fish shop they also sell this LOVELY crispbread, with stone-ground rye, sesame seeds and well, I simply love it. And it goes well with aioli and shrimps, or creamcheese and ripe tomatoes - black pepper. You really should try!

Later in the evening my mother with husband Janne, my father and my grandmother came by - bringing cake and flowers! It was nice having this small celebration, just the closest of family today. I got a lovely brownish-gold-pink new bicycle, a pair of vintage earings and a lovely necklace with a birdshaped pendant made by artist Karin Ferner. Thank you all for the WONDERFUL gifts. I had to go cycling for a while, wearing my necklace of course.. I got this memory image of being five years old and running off to play with my birthdaygifts, wearing the new bathing suite, the dress and the wellies. At the same time. Just because they were new. Do you remember that?

Knittingwise I am finishing up the swatches and sketches for the opening of our final exhibition next wednesday. We will put everything up this thursday and friday. Tomorrow afternoon I will conquer the dye workshop together with Heléne. I am SO looking forward to that. Don´t wait up, we might be late.

Lovely links of the day; partly in swedish!
The helylle-foträta styling experience
Jag blommar

Take care!