Från Zickermans värld

måndag, augusti 31, 2009

About Malin, Fånge i sin egen kropp

Todays entry will be in swedish and a short one since there finally has been an article on ME in a swedish paper. The article is about my dear, dear friend Malin. I cannot even begin to describe how much I love and miss her. She has not been able to type and sit up since early this year, but her blog is still up. Do visit it!

I dag var det äntligen en artikel om ME i en svensk tidning, jag tror att det är början på en serie. Artikeln handlar om min kära, kära Malin. Jag kan inte med ord beskriva hur mycket jag saknar henne, hur ont det gör att inte kunna kommunicera annat än genom sms, att veta att hon inte ens får behandling. Att det inte går framåt. Det står still, eller blir sämre. Vad säger man då? Vad gör man då? Man är förtvivlad över att se någon man älskar må så dåligt, och man hoppas. Man minns. Man minns att det i den kroppen fortfarande är samma smarta, starka, vackra, lojala, passionerade, underbara kvinna med världens största hjärta som jag känt i snart 15 år. Att hon inte är borta. Att hon fortfarande gillar allt med banansmak, bra whisky, musik, arkeologi, politik, rökt tofu, mörk choklad, är en hejare på att laga mat. Att hon börjar bli riktigt bra på att sticka! Att hon har ett väldigt medryckande skratt och kan se hur finurlig ut som helst. Att hon är viljestark och verkligen vill leva. Man minns allt det och är tacksam för att hon finns. Men vad kan jag göra för att hjälpa henne? Finnas? Det känns så ynkligt.

Läs artikeln
och besök Malins blogg: Sick but literate

tisdag, augusti 18, 2009

Just married!

This saturday Björn and I got married in the beautiful herb-garden at Skogsbo. It was perfect! Family, great weather, fantastic food and beautiful ceremony, almost exactly nine years after we first met.

lördag, augusti 08, 2009


It feels as if we have been away for a very long time, but in fact it is only a couple of weeks.

There has been long summerevenings, days of rain and reading, meeting friends and hunting for old windows. This past week has been as summery-perfect as you could ever ask for. Sunny, warm, just windy enough to make a nap in the hammock in the shadow perfect and not to cold. I have been reading wast amounts of books, knitting and acutally finishing a beautiful woollen sweater for Little V. The pattern is called "Trolludden" and is designed by my dear friend Sara Toreld over at The yarn is out of the fleece we sheared last autumn, that is a great feeling and a truly gorgeous yarn. Soft and shiny, and a lovely knit!

Yesterday I finished the sweater and Little V ran of when he tried it on, before I even had time to secure all the threads. He sat in the hammock for a long time and seemed to enjoy himself.

Sad enough I was not able to teach at Stickstämman as I had planned. Apparently I catched a gastric catarrh and I still don´t feel quite well. No coffee or stress and hardly no standing up for me for some time.

I am planning to spend this next three weeks of summer by working a couple of days and hours now and then, planning short and longer adventures and by finishing up some new Grimslätt patterns.

For those of you who bought the Grimslätt mitten kit: as pointed out by one of you there was an error in the chart! I was to blind staring at the pattern, and did not realize that the error was right in front of me, but on the chart. I hope that you have been able to finish your mittens, and if you have not - I will fix the pdf and mail it to you. Thank you Mia, for noticing!

How have you been? I have some pics to show you, but you will have to wait.
Take care!