Från Zickermans värld

måndag, december 21, 2009

Nu är det snart dags!

Jag vill i all enkelhet önska er en hel hoper med trevliga helger. Ät godis, rulla runt i snön och vila. Själv tänker jag läsa Sara Lidman, sticka i den mån armen inte strejkar och umgås med B och Lilla V. Underbart skall det bli!

För den som vill kan man höra mig i dagens avsnitt av Syjuntan i P1, Syjuntan och trösten. Jag tror att det gick bra.

måndag, november 30, 2009


I all hast. I juletid, ett tips...
Valnötsbröd från Gateau, fikon/valnötstårta och Manchego från Fröken Nilsson. Till detta en kopp Saffran/Chili-te från Bönor och blad eller kanske ett glas portvin?

Valnötsbrödet är också gudomligt gott med gruyère och tomatmarmelad. Jag bara säger det.
Nu när jag har börjat läsa Bodil Malmsten kan jag inte sluta.

Men vad jag däremot inte verkar kunna börja med är det där som jag nämnde i går, vad heter det. Jo, stickning. Jag vet inte vad som har hänt. Det har tagit stopp. Kan vara mitt allmäntillstånd. Det finns inte mycket ork just nu. Vill mest av allt spendera dagarna uppkrupen i soffan med en filt, en bok och te. Intravenöst. Möjligen med avbrott för ovan nämnda måltid, eller dylik. Jag behöver energi, inspiration och vila. Längtar efter att börja träna igen också. Men det är väl så - när man har som minst tid behöver man det som bäst.

Tyvärr hjälper det inte att formulera det. Det kommer varken tid eller energi. Bah.

söndag, november 29, 2009

Första advent minsann!

En ganska så lat och trevlig söndag. Lite kort bara. Söndagar har en tendens att vara det. Jag är egentligen en anhängare av söndagar, men de fick gärna vara längre.. Vårens program är klart, terminens sista kurser går av stapeln och cirklarna har julavslutning. Jag är trött. Jag ser fram emot att vara ledig.

I går var vi ut en sväng till Gustavsbergs hamn och Julmarknad i de Öppna Ateljerna. Mycket fint att kika på! Ingen självklar hit med alla betongtrappor för mamma med ont i benen, men ändå en trevlig dag. Dagens byte blev en varsin kopp av Åsa Lindström, ni skymtar dem nedan. Såg hennes keramik i somras på Hablingbo Crêperie - till Bs stora glädje kunde man köpa sekunda koppar i ateljen utan guldkant. Han gillar inte guld. Möjligen en udda egenskap hos en arkeolog.. Men men.

Lite bilder från dagen. Lat söndagsfrukost med ett märkligt stort antal pålägg, fram med adventsljusstaken och på med julduken. Nu är det dags att komma i stämning, i skön, avslappnad, kryddoftande vinterstämning.

En alldeles ny återbruks-stake från Afroart. Jag föll pladask!

Den stilige surdegsbagaren.

De sista av sommarens tomater slank ned.

Sedan skulle Valdars stjärna upp i fönstret.
Man måste ju faktiskt prova...

Man måste också bygga robotar! Valdar älskar dem, och jag med. Årets första julklappstips! Hittade dem i onsdags hos Mor Karin. Vi bygger en eller ett par varje dag, Lockhåret och jag.

Annars knåpar jag på med julklapparna här men önskar mig mest av allt inspiration. Jag har för mig att jag brukade sticka? Just nu är det mest bak och matlagning som får igång mig...

Ha en bra vecka!
So, a small sunday-entry. We are beginning to tune in on the season. Baking, preparing Christmas gifts and decorating the apartment. Little V is building himself a small and sweet army of tiny card-board robots. Well, I've been building quite a few myself...

måndag, november 23, 2009

Och snart är det jul

I helgen var det Öppet husSkogsbo. Det var himla trevligt, gott om besökare och tiden bara rann i väg! Jag spenderade, som vanligt, tiden i köket men tror att jag hann hälsa på alla.

Det var inte utan att jag kände av en smygande jullängtan. Årets första. Detta fick mig att genast börja planlägga vilka julmarknader som skall besökas i år. Under den kommande helgen är det Livstycket i Tensta och Hoppa hage med flera i Gustavbergs hamn som lockar. Nästa helg är det Konstfack och helgen därpå, alltså Luciahelgen slår Beckmans upp portarna.

Troligtvis blir det i vilket fall ett besök på Skansen och Rosendal. Har du inte varit och firat Midvintersolståndet på Rosendal tidigare - med eldfest och allt så har du chansen den 20 december.

När det gäller Konstfacks julmarknad är det två elever som jag är alldeles särskilt nyfiken på! Dels är det Fideli Sundqvist med sina underbara pappersklipp och porslinsjulhängen, och sedan är det Henning Trollbäck som gjort detta helt underbara Dalahästtryck! Trycket hittade jag idag via Kurbits, men ta en titt i hans blogg för en fantastisk tändsticksaskskrubba (dagens glosa!).

Visst är det fantastiskt fint!

Ett annat spännande evenemang den närmsta tiden är Jul & Hantverksmässan på Kistamässan. Särskilt spännande skall det bli att se den Bästa Återbruksklappen koras! Ett bra och vettigt initiativ tycker jag. Med på mässan finns också Recycle Design - Återbruk från Eskilstuna Folkhögskola. Jag tänkte gå på fredagen, är det någon som vill göra mig sällskap?

Ha en bra vecka! Själv tänkte jag bli klar med vårens program på Skogsbo redan på onsdagen och sedan lata mig resten av veckan. Det låter som en plan!

fredag, november 06, 2009


A Friday-mosaic. Still sick. And bored. Digged into my flickr photostream and found people I love and things I like.

I added some links, a wishlist and some links to favourite spots in Stockholm.

Among them; Petite France - they've also received an award from a swedish newspaper. No surprise.

I will spend my evening drinking tea, knitting and sketching - and hoping that I will get well for tomorrows Lanternfestival.. Also would like to visit the quite new Russian store close to us: Matrjosjka. I always need pickled gherkins..

Just maybe it is time to start blog in swedish again. I don't even know If I have any foreign readers nowadays, since this has gone from being a blog about mostly knitting to a blog about - craft and life in general - especially my/our life and that is what I think it will continue to be, for me to continue blogging. Haven't decided yet.

Just det. Jag funderar på om det inte är lika bra att börjar skriva på svenska igen. Jag tror inte att jag har så värst många engelskspråkiga läsare, men det är svårt att veta. Skall tänka ett tag till. Ha en skön helg!

torsdag, november 05, 2009


I am stuck in bed. Feverish and bored. So bored, to tired to read or knit or sew or work. I would really love to watch these movies.
Alice in Wonderland
Ce qu'il faut pour vivre (The Necessities of Life)

But I can't so I guess I will have some more tea and listen to some radio. Maybe wait for the promised snow to start falling. Little V was so happy about the snow yesterday! I could really use a couple of weeks more of autumn before winter...

Get inspired by:
Mamma P

måndag, oktober 19, 2009


It seems as though Little V has caught something. He fell asleep before finishing his dinner and did not even wan't to eat an apple. That is something. Little V <3 apples.

B is at a parentmeeting and they are preparing the Lanternfestival, which will be celebrated in a couple of weeks by making lanterns Here is my entry on making the lantern last year. I just spoke to B and he told med he cut out a stag in the lantern. Can´t wait to see it!
It is awonderful festive efternoon - eating grilled apples, drinking hot soup and awaiting the dusk to come. Then, see all the wonderful paperlanterns being lit and following the singing children on their walk through the alotmentarea at södermalm in Stockholm. I love it.

I have been browsing around some favourite blogs and stumbled on a couple of really nice ones, of which some are new to me.
How we say hello
at hanna
le train fantôme
angry chicken

Have a nice monday evening. I am planning on making even more tea and then knit another cowl. My favourite thing to knit and wear this fall. Working on two at the moment, one in lace and one in lovely garterstitch - using some off my tweedstash..

Oh, and I found this teatowel over at the Design Museum Shop.
I just love EVERYTHING Mr Ryan creates.


söndag, oktober 18, 2009

Staying inside despite the lovely weather

After spending a couple of days with family in Gagnef, we are back in Stockholm. I feel cold, tired and kind of down. Maybe a little fever, maybe I just need some more sleep. Little V and B are off to celebrate dearest Ragnhild who had her birthday yesterday. Yay! A shawl, some knitting and tea usually helps but apparently not today. However we had a lovely but far to short stay at B´s father and stepmother. Laughs, nice meals, coffee and some knitting. Little V spent a whole day building a car (from one of B´s old skateboard!), and yesterday we had time to visit B´s oldest sister and her family in their new house outside Leksand. Without a doubt one of the beautiful houses I have ever sat my foot in. Wallpaintings, original dramatic wallpapers, tile stoves and a beautiful garden. I am so happy for them!

I also - of course - really hope that we will have a house of our own some day. Or flat closer to the ground and in a calmer part of town.. After leaving Dalarna and staying a couple of hours at B's granny (we left with two wonderful, traditional rugrags handwoven by realtives and several bags of beautiful fabrics) I frankly did not feel happy at all, waiting for the elevator to take us eight stories up. Bah..

I meant to workout this morning, but since my body hurts I decided I´d just stay inside today. Trying not to get to irritated about not exercising, knitting and working out is - as you know - really addictive..

No pictures of my own today, but some links and pictures by other, talented peolpe. Little V has a beautiful red, carudroy cap which I really need to show you some day soon.

Talented photographer Jon Huck has photographed people and their breakfast. Great project!

Pictures below comes from Vamlingbolaget. A company with an interesting background, which produces great and comfortable clothes on Gotland, Sweden. Patterns, colours, quality - always inspiring.

Love this birdpattern! These are archivephotos from the seventies.

Beautiful prints by Sanna Annuka.

Have a great sunday. I will try to get ready for a fresh week and continue knitting my SunflowerTam by Norah Gaughan. Pattern from "Knitting Nature". Lovely knit!

Take care, and if you need a sunday night snack I keep on recommending vanilla and ginger preserved pears! Easy to make, and if you just happen to have a jar of lingonberry/cinnamon pears waiting in the pantry - I recommend one pear of each, served with whipped cream or vanilla icecrem and some calvados or mulled wine.

I will se what B is making in the kitchen - he just got home and it smells lovely, prepare a small treasurehunt for little V and maybe brows for a nice stay in Helsinki with friends later this autumn..

Hasseludden Yasuragi
Dinner at Wagamama
or at Hablingbo Creperie
and then maybe a week in Berlin and a weekend in Helsinki..

Meanwhile, I will try to get well and then enjoy at Skogsbo. Maybe coffee and hummus at Reggev, workout at Friskis and lunch over at Blå Porten this tuesday after a visit at Liljevalchs and the Märta Måås-Fjetterström exhibition "Märta flyger igen".

Have a great week. Wear socks and gloves, drink tea and do take time to enjoy this crisp fall-air and all the lovely colours.

Recycle Design-bloggen A really interesting one year cutting edge education at Eskilstuna Folkhögskola and their blog! Visit the blog and the class aswell. I was there a couple of weeks ago and taught a two day class on social medias and creative blogging.

Kiddet Always inspiring!

Tivoli Makes all three of us laugh - Subscribe!

måndag, augusti 31, 2009

About Malin, Fånge i sin egen kropp

Todays entry will be in swedish and a short one since there finally has been an article on ME in a swedish paper. The article is about my dear, dear friend Malin. I cannot even begin to describe how much I love and miss her. She has not been able to type and sit up since early this year, but her blog is still up. Do visit it!

I dag var det äntligen en artikel om ME i en svensk tidning, jag tror att det är början på en serie. Artikeln handlar om min kära, kära Malin. Jag kan inte med ord beskriva hur mycket jag saknar henne, hur ont det gör att inte kunna kommunicera annat än genom sms, att veta att hon inte ens får behandling. Att det inte går framåt. Det står still, eller blir sämre. Vad säger man då? Vad gör man då? Man är förtvivlad över att se någon man älskar må så dåligt, och man hoppas. Man minns. Man minns att det i den kroppen fortfarande är samma smarta, starka, vackra, lojala, passionerade, underbara kvinna med världens största hjärta som jag känt i snart 15 år. Att hon inte är borta. Att hon fortfarande gillar allt med banansmak, bra whisky, musik, arkeologi, politik, rökt tofu, mörk choklad, är en hejare på att laga mat. Att hon börjar bli riktigt bra på att sticka! Att hon har ett väldigt medryckande skratt och kan se hur finurlig ut som helst. Att hon är viljestark och verkligen vill leva. Man minns allt det och är tacksam för att hon finns. Men vad kan jag göra för att hjälpa henne? Finnas? Det känns så ynkligt.

Läs artikeln
och besök Malins blogg: Sick but literate

tisdag, augusti 18, 2009

Just married!

This saturday Björn and I got married in the beautiful herb-garden at Skogsbo. It was perfect! Family, great weather, fantastic food and beautiful ceremony, almost exactly nine years after we first met.

lördag, augusti 08, 2009


It feels as if we have been away for a very long time, but in fact it is only a couple of weeks.

There has been long summerevenings, days of rain and reading, meeting friends and hunting for old windows. This past week has been as summery-perfect as you could ever ask for. Sunny, warm, just windy enough to make a nap in the hammock in the shadow perfect and not to cold. I have been reading wast amounts of books, knitting and acutally finishing a beautiful woollen sweater for Little V. The pattern is called "Trolludden" and is designed by my dear friend Sara Toreld over at The yarn is out of the fleece we sheared last autumn, that is a great feeling and a truly gorgeous yarn. Soft and shiny, and a lovely knit!

Yesterday I finished the sweater and Little V ran of when he tried it on, before I even had time to secure all the threads. He sat in the hammock for a long time and seemed to enjoy himself.

Sad enough I was not able to teach at Stickstämman as I had planned. Apparently I catched a gastric catarrh and I still don´t feel quite well. No coffee or stress and hardly no standing up for me for some time.

I am planning to spend this next three weeks of summer by working a couple of days and hours now and then, planning short and longer adventures and by finishing up some new Grimslätt patterns.

For those of you who bought the Grimslätt mitten kit: as pointed out by one of you there was an error in the chart! I was to blind staring at the pattern, and did not realize that the error was right in front of me, but on the chart. I hope that you have been able to finish your mittens, and if you have not - I will fix the pdf and mail it to you. Thank you Mia, for noticing!

How have you been? I have some pics to show you, but you will have to wait.
Take care!

söndag, juli 05, 2009


I am really looking forward to vacation! So much has happened this year, and I really need the rest. The rest, and the adventure.

I will be working next week and the me and B are off to Gotland for a couple of days. Again :-) We will be taking soilsamples, and hopefully the weather won't be as bad as during our last visit. We will stay at a hostel in Hemse, and maybe have time to visit Labans shop.

The other day I booked us a dinnertable at Hablingbo creperie, and we also hope to have time to visit Fide Fajans, Hablingbo cafe and Beck & rep. Maybe lunch over at Bakfickan? We'll see. It is always nice to be back at the island. If you havn't been to Visby I strongly suggest a coffee over at Rosas, some shopping (clothes/yarn and interior design) at Yllet, tea and coffee at Kränku, furniture and coffee over at the newly opened GAD shop. Outside Visby Vamlingbolaget and, Gotlands Ullspinneri is a must!

I am packing my wellies, books, knitting, raincoat, thermos, camera and aloegel. I am currently digging in to two thrillers by Mons Kallentoft. Usually I am not a thriller-kind-of-personl, but this summer - anything goes.

So. I guess it is time to write some lists and start the sunday cleaning. I promised little V that we would either bake or solve a beautiful jigsaw I bought last time we went to Visby.

have a nice week!

lördag, juni 27, 2009

So! I hope you all had a wonderful midsummer and that you have time to enjoy these beautiful summerdays! I had this week off, although I spent yesterday planning and shopping for Skogsbo. Two weeks left before I leave for about a month. Yay! Today I've spent cleaning and running errands. I managed to to some good shopping at home and did not need to go into town.

Thougt I'd just put up som pictures from our flat. Our new quilted bedspread and pillows. All from Afroart.

And my favourite place this time of the year. The red chair on the balcony. Perfect spot for reading, sketching, thinking, drinking tea, spinning, knitting and just resting.. What's your favourite spot?

Take care!

onsdag, juni 17, 2009

I don´t knit anymore. Or, I do some knitting - but not as I used to.. Lost my inspiration somewhere - and until I find it again I read wast amounts of almost anything. At first I vacuumed our local library for something new and interesting and stumbled upon two books by Anna Gavalda, also reread some of Selma Lagerlöf´s classic novels .

Here is a pile of some of the books I ended up ordering to always have something to read... And I'm more then halfway through it. Any suggestions? Care to swop?

Take care!
Still here! Just being really busy, getting the Fall-Programme finished and off to get printed. Little V is doing just fine, as usual and we are too. If you are in Stockholm, go visit Kulturhuset and the Crafts exhibition.

Little V enjoying cake and cake..

Detail of embroidery by Jennie McMillen is a part of the exhibtion at Kulturhuset.

Have a great Midsummer and take care - enjoy the rain AND the sun... (Wear wellies)

tisdag, april 28, 2009

Its a beautiful day!

Oh, I have SO much to tell and show you. But since my back, left arm and neck are really sore, and I am only able to use my right hand to type - that will just have to wait. In short - life is wonderful and there are so many things to be thankful for. Work, family and friends. Health and spring. Hopefully I will soon be able to knit again. I am SO bored from not being able to knit/sew/paint or even write for almost a week.

Valdar turned five on the 19 of April. Strange and wonderful. My dear, beautiful boy. He is growing, learing and becoming more himself every minute. We had two great parties, the last one over at Överjärva Gård this past weekend. Cupcakes, coffee and play in the woods. Little V and his friends having a treasure hunt, looking at the sheep, eating cupcakes, gingercookies and enjoying the sunshine. Little V spent ten minutes explaining to his friends everything about sheep, lambs and tractors. He is quite an expert..

Studio Violet makes beautiful things; visit the blog and the shop ( - and shop, I sure will...). Also visit talented Irina Lindqvist and her exhibition at the Glassery later in May.

And: this friday I will spend the afternoon over at Manos. There is a circus visiting!

Take care, enjoy the sun and breathe!

tisdag, mars 31, 2009

A new comic!

This will be a post in swedish - but in short: a new comic and a new publishing company has been born! The comic is called "Tivoli med vänner" - "Tivoli and friends". My dear and utterly talented sister in law Camilla Nyman is one of the duo that owns and and manages the company and comic!
Picture from the Tivoli med Vänner website.

Jo! Nu i dagarna är det dags för en ny, helsvensk snäll och smart serietidning att se dagens ljus! Tidningen heter "Tivoli med vänner" och ges ut av det nystartade förlaget "Positiv förlag" som drivs av Jennie Warg och min kära svägerska Camilla Nyman. Den består av både längre serier och kortare gästserier. Visst ser omslagen lovande ut? Målgruppen är barn mellan 4 och 8 år.

Såhär står det på hemsidan:
"Genom levande berättelser och fantasifulla bilder vill Positiv Förlag öppna nya och spännande världar för barn. Vi vill erbjuda barnen inspirerande, starka och roliga karaktärer att spegla sig i. Vi vill locka till skratt, läsning, kreativitet och eftertanke."

Låter himla bra tycker jag, som ser fram emot första numret! Kanske en bra påskpresent till någon liten kompis? Annars finns den att köpa på ICA från den 3 april - nu på fredag alltså.

söndag, mars 29, 2009

Rough lace, owls and Rosemary.

A while ago I wrote about flowerpots by Anna Broström. Maybe you also heard about our owl-ceramics? Last sunday I spotted a owl-flowerpot at Designtorget and here it is! Owls and Rosemary!
We love her owls and I hope to find some more owls. They fit in great with our 1940 and 1950´s flowerpots and porcelain.

More owls, a bird mug thrifted last autumn - Little V´s favourite and a beautiful faience bowl made in Stig Lindberg's studio at Gustavsberg. The flowerpots in the back are from Steneby and Upsala-Ekeby, made in the 1940´s. And yes, I collect flowerpots.

Yesterday I finished my Trellis scarf! Yay! Blocked it and left it to dry and block over night. I really like the way it turned out. Lace-y enough, soft, warm and yellowish/green. Just the thing to brighten my grey and/or black coats.

Trellis scarf
Pattern by Evelyn A Clark, pattern source IK Spring 2006.
Needles: 5 mm
Yarn: Gotlandsull from Fjällbete

After casting off, there was about 20 cm left of the yarn... Skill? Luck?

Time to update the Skogsbo-blog. Trip to Ikea anyone? I really need to go there, but don't seem to find the time. Or the interest.

And, speaking of Owls! How I would LOVE the Owls-sweater!

fredag, mars 27, 2009

So, it is snowing outside. Again. I am tired. Tired of being tired, but on the other hand - happy about getting better and better. However, this is a not-so-good-day and I had almost forgot about them. Instead of being frustrated about not having the energy to clean, sew and work today I should have curled up in the sofa several hours ago. Maybe knitting, maybe having a cup of tea and planning next week at Skogsbo and being happy about getting better. Today reminded me.

Concering knitting. I am still working on my Trellis scarf. I still love how the shawl is coming along. Love the pattern, the yarn and can't wait to wear it. Some weeks ago I went through all my WIPs, frogged some and found some I had forgot. Now, they are all sorted - laying in individual bags i a huge Ghanan basket waiting to be FOs. And some day I think they will. I am looking forward to some tvåändsstickning and some inspiration.

I also ordered some new knitting books earlier today - haven't done that in a while but I realised that "A fine fleece" and "Knitted Lace of Estonia" is just what I need!

A couple of days ago Easter arrived at Afroart and it did in a very colourful and inspiring way - just look at these! I tell you; several have moved in at Skebokvarnsvägen 324!

Have a nice evening. Time for tea.

onsdag, mars 18, 2009

The sun is shining today - spring is not only in the air, but inside - outside and in-between. Wish I had brought my knitting for some outdoor-knitting during my lunchbreak today. Maybe I will take a walk down by the water instead.

Anyhow, the Skogsboblogg is now up and running. Some of you will not be able to read it since it is all in swedish, but on the other hand - I hope that you will enjoy the pictures. I also hope that you come by and visit. Just let me know.

Take care, and enjoy the sunshine - I sure will!

fredag, mars 13, 2009

Yet another week

This week, winter returned to Stockholm. Some of us (Little V) highly enjoys this, some of us don't. Monday, I had cup of coffee outside at Skogsbo, sitting at the stairs - listening to the birds and the silence. When I arrived there tuesday morning it was like arriving in a christmas card.

I also wanted to show you some random pictures from this past week at Skogsbo; weaving-, upholstery- and paintingcircles and the sleeping herbgarden . A ordinary Tuesday at Skogsbo - I will launch the blog soon. This weekend!

Yesterday I went to the opening of a very exciting collaboration between swedish and slovakian craftspeople called "Sloverige" at Svensk Slöjd. Andrea Filová told us about her beautiful perforated and painted eggs - who are a part of this exhibition which will travel Sweden and Slovakia. Showing the similarities in traditions and tecnique, rather than the differences. It is well worth a visit! The pictures are taken from the Svensk Slöjd website!

Eggs by Andrea Filová and wooden birds by Miloslav Jaros.

I also FINALLY met Frida Engström, the author of design/slöjd/craftblog "Kurbits". She is also one the editors of Tidskriften Hemslöjden.

Nest week I will finally get along to see a very interesting exhibition at Nordiska Museet: Fair fashion?. Every wednesdayevening there is a debate on sustainable fashion at the museum, see you there this upcoming wednesday? I'll be there.

Valdar has bulit some WONDERFUL robots this past week - and I asked him if I could show the to you. And I could; may I present - Little V and the Robots!

I just LOVE them, and him of course!

So, what else? I am still knitting at my Trellis scarf, and since the pattern will not show properly until finished and blocked I don't have any pictures for you. What I do have is BEAUTIFUL pics of blankets from The Great English Outdoors. All these wonderful blankets and woven loveliness comes from their website, where you also can purchase them... *sigh*

Pictures, Tapestries and Blankets from The Great English Outdoor.

If you are in Sweden, I do hope that you have not missed out on the premiere episode on one of the best tv-programme on SVT for a long time ... "Från trädgård till tallrik" or "From the Garden to the Table: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Your Own Food ".

Finally some great music;
Jenny Wilson and the equally talented Yael Naim - especially love the line "How can you stay outside - there is a beautiful mess inside" from the song "Far far".

Have a great weekend!

EDIT: Frida just put up a video of Andrea Filová over at Kurbits!

lördag, mars 07, 2009


Yesterday I finished my first week at my new job. Everything is exciting, new, a bit confusing at times but on the whole almost to good to be true. I am very happy, to say the least. I spent a couple of hours at Skogsbo today aswell and realised that even though it is a beautiful place during winter, spring will be even more beautiful this year. I so enjoy the walk from the tram, among the sleeping gardens and houses, the woods and all the birdsong and then arriving at Skogsbo. Such a silent and kind place..! Valdar visited Skogsbo for the first time ever today and his first statement was "It is beautiful". We raised him well :-)

After spening an hour or two at Skogsbo we visited my grandmother who lives close by. Valdar and Farmor enjoys eachothers company a great deal, and it also feels great for me to be able to be closer to her at least a couple of days a week. After all, she turns 85 years this August.

This evening I have been replanting all our indoor plants - there are quite a few - and I got to use some of the 1950´s flowerpots I thrifted this wednesday, visiting Heléne in Täby. I have got a softspot for beautiful flowerpots you see, so I have alse fallen in love with pots by Anna Broström.

The one to the right is made by Anna Broström.

And then I painted my fingernails. It is Saturday, after all...

My knitting at the moment is going very well thank you. I bought some lovely, soft green/yellowish 2ply pälsull by Fjällbete at a craftfair in Östersund 1,5 years ago. I am knitting a kind of rustic version of the Trellis scarf by the talented Evelyn A. Clark. Lovely and fast knit, since I am using a thick-er and thick-er needles, although the rows where I have to knit seven stitches together no less then three times gets me inventing new profanities . Have to finish it soon though, in order to wear it a s a p ...

And so I finally got to visit one of the more impressive on-line shops I have ever seen! I bet you have been there before, but I had not. Such a impressive and tasteful collection of great products. Do visit Cosas, and if you don't have time I will show you some of the thing that left me speachless, impressed and longing.. Pictures are taken from the Cosas website.

All these pictures comes from the Cosas website

So, how are you? Have you noticed that it smells of spring outside? Even on the cold and gloomy days, something has shifted - and I always enjoy the shift. And I celebrate it by replanting flowers, cleaning, sorting out messy cupboards, piles of fabric and linen, by taking baths and long walks. By trying to take time to breath and enjoy - and sometimes succeding. By planting seeds to later plant outside on the balcony. Little V enjoys planting, and he also enjoys the idea of an aquarium of his own. In a couple of weeks that will be a reality. He can't wait. He wakes up every morning, asking about the water, the fishes and the aquarium. We will see, it is great seeing him this engaged. It is actually very nice to come home earlier aswell, to spend more time with Little V, B and by myself.

Take care, and have a lovely sunday!

Studio Violet
Afroart - do notice the new Etiopian stools!